We are aware of the statements made today regarding assisted living visitation, during Governor DeWine's Covid-19 press conference. We are awaiting revised orders from the State. In addition, we are also revising our policies for fully vaccinated residents in regards to leave of absences. As soon as we have all the information available from the State, we will notify our assisted living residents and families.
CMS has revised guidance for skilled nursing visitation which is as follow:
Infection control measures of pre-visit screening, hand hygiene, masking, social distancing still apply (exceptions to physical distancing as outlined below).
Indoor visitation is allowed at all times with an appointment for all residents regardless of vaccination status with a few exceptions.
Limited indoor visitation for the following:
· Unvaccinated residents, if the Nursing facilities Covid-19 positivity rate (CMS posted county rate) is above 10% and less than 70% of the facilities residents are fully vaccinated.
· Residents (regardless of vaccination status) with confirmed Covid-19 infection until they have met criteria for discontinuation of Transmission based precautions
· Residents in quarantine (regardless of vaccination status) until then meet criteria for release from quarantine.
· If the facility has an identified resident or employee case, indoor visitation will be placed on hold until at least 1 round of outbreak testing is performed on all residents and staff. The facility will then determine if visitation can be resumed based on CMS visitation guidance. The facility will communicate visitation status with all residents and families.
Visits must be scheduled, in advance, with the facility. We are unable to accommodate unscheduled visits. Visits will be time limited to allow all residents to receive visitation with infection precautions in place.
Visits will occur in a designated visitation location. If there is a need for a room visit, the visitor must go directly to the room. Visitors must still physically distance from facility staff and other residents
If a resident is fully vaccinated, they can choose to have close contact with their visitor (holding hands, a hug) while both are wearing a well- fitting mask and perform hand hygiene before and after.
All visitors must be able to adhere to the core principles of Covid-19 Infection Prevention practices. If unable to do so, the visit will not be permitted or may be stopped.
Windsor House is excited to offer our new residents and staff, along with those who did not receive the vaccine during the initial clinics, the opportunity to receive the COVID 19 vaccine. Our skilled nursing and assisted living communities, along with our pharmacy, are part of Ohio Department of Health’s ongoing vaccination maintenance program. Starting next week, the Moderna vaccine will be administered monthly at our centers